
Pamplona, Saint Fermin by Giampiero D'Antonio

The Running of the Bulls, Encierro, of Pamplona is the most famous of Spain, but not the only one. It is the highest profile event of the San Fermin festival, which is held every year from 6–14 July.The first bull running is on 7 July, followed by one on each of the following mornings of the festival, beginning every day at 8 am. The Encierro begins with runners singing a benediction, El Cantico, It is sung three times, each time being sung both in Spanish and Basque. The benediction is a prayer given at a statue of Saint Fermin, patron of the festival and the city, to ask the saint's protection. Though there is no formal dress code, the very common and traditional attire is white pants, white shirt with a red scarf around the waist and a red handkerchief around the neck. Despite The protests of pro-animal rights groups, the show go on. Normally On the eve of the festival, dozens of semi-naked activists try to draw attention at what they see as animal cruelty, only, for entertain the folks. Bullfights are protected under the Spanish Constitution as part of the country’s cultural heritage.

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